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Tao Huang

Instructor Introduction: Photo of Dr. Tao Huang Degree:
Beijing University of TCM: TCM Bachelor Degree ( six years )
China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences: Acupuncture Doctor Degree ( tutor: Prof. Xinnong Cheng )
Harvard University in United States: post-doctoral degree
Working Experience:
  Dr. Tao Huang works in Acupuncture Institute, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, she has worked as a teacher in China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center that is most famous school for foreigners to study TCM, so she has very rich teacher experience, now she becomes doctor in hospital and researcher for basic research of TCM, so based on her working fields - teacher, doctor, researcher and degrees she obtained, she has her own understanding of TCM and promotes development of TCM to all over the world.

Courses avaible for Tao Huang:

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