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You are here: Home > Foundation > Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture Treatment

Description: Acupuncture Treatment is a very important course in TCM. It is the main clinical acupuncture course after the studying of TCM Foundation, TCM Diagnosis, and Acupuncture Meridians Points courses. Acupuncture treatment course not only tells you basic fundamentals of acupuncture practice, such as the general principle of treatment, basic principles for prescription and selection of points, the using of specific points, therapeutic methods etc.; but also explains so many etiology and pathogenesis as well as syndrome differentiations of diseases, gives you excellent acupuncture prescriptions and treatment modalities as well as points addition and subtraction due to patient's conditions. You will study acupuncture treatment in 35 internal diseases, 9 gynecological diseases, 5 pediatric diseases, 7 external diseases, and 7 ENT diseases. Needless to say, it is a course to guide your clinical practice. Dr. Liu has been practice in TCM and acupuncture field for 24 years. The good thing is that she not only explains the text book's content, but also shares the clinical experience and understanding with you in the courses. If you have not studied this course, you are not likely able to start with the clinical acupuncture practice.
Language: English
Instructor: Xuemei Liu
Runtime: 1352 minutes
Note: Due to copyright protection, all of video courses on this website are available within one computer.
All parts packaging on download: $288.00
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Separate purchase due to different parts:

Acupuncture Treatment Part 1
Runtime: 56 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: A General introduction to acupuncture treatment, general principles of treatment,and therapeutic method.
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Acupuncture Treatment Part 2
Runtime: 58 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: The basic principles for prescription and selection of points,application of specific points which include five Shu points, combination of mother and son for reinforcing and reducing, the lower He-sea points of six fu organs.
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 3
Runtime: 55 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Application of specific points which include Yuan-(Primary) Points, Luo-(Connecting) points, Xi-(Cleft) points, Eight Confluent points, Back-Shu Points and Front-Mu points, as well as Eight Influential points.
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 4
Runtime: 54 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Wind stroke and syncope
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 5
Runtime: 56 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Sunstroke, common cold and malaria
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 6
Runtime: 62 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Cough and asthma
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 7
Runtime: 57 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Epigastic Pain, Vomiting
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 8
Runtime: 60 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Hiccup, Diarrhea
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 9
Runtime: 54 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Dysentery, Abdominal Distention, Jaundice
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 10
Runtime: 64 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Constipation, Prolapse of Rectum, Edema
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 11
Runtime: 55 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Nocturnal Enuresis, Urination Disturbance, Retention of Urine
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 12
Runtime: 62 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Impotence, Seminal Emission, Insomnia, Poor Memory
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 13
Runtime: 55 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Palpitation, Manic-Depressive Disorder
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 14
Runtime: 58 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Epilepsy, Dizziness, Melancholia
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 15
Runtime: 56 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Melancholia's Treatment, Headache, Facial Pain
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 16
Runtime: 66 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Deviation of Eye and Mouth, Pain in Hypochondriac Region, Lower Back Pain
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 17
Runtime: 55 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Bi Syndromes, Wei Syndromes
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 18
Runtime: 50 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Irregular Menstruation, Dysmenorrhea
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 19
Runtime: 57 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Amenorrhea, Uterine Bleeding, Morbid Leukorrhea, Morning Sickness
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 20
Runtime: 55 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Prolonged Labor, Mal-position of Fetus, Insufficent Lactation, Lactifuge, Prolapse of Uterus, Intantile Convulsion
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 21
Runtime: 59 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Infantile Diarrhea, Inflantile Mal-nutrition, Infantile Parahysis, Mumps, Urticaria
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 22
Runtime: 41 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Erysipelas, Herpes Zoster, Boil and "Red-Thread Boil", Breast Adscess
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 23
Runtime: 52 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Intestinal Adscess, Goiter, Sprain and Contusion, Torticollis, Deafness and Tinnitus, Congestion, Swelling and Pain of the Eye 
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)

Acupuncture Treatment Part 24
Runtime: 55 minutes
Type: Audio + Slides + Content
Prices: $12.00
Introduce: Thick and Sticky Nasal Discharge, Epistaxis, Toothache, Sore Throat, Optic Atrophy
 Purchese Course from PayPal (secure)


Purchase Course
by Rolando
on Sep 05, 2020

I just purchased a course (No.12), and I do not know how to access it. Please advise ASAP

[ Answer ]

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