4. Qi and blood deficiency: the treatment measures include reinforcing Qi and nourishing blood, nourishing brain and promoting meridians. The prescription is Ba Zhen Decoction with modification: Tai Zi Shen [3] 20g, Huang Qi [4] 20-100g, Bai Zhu [5] 10g, Fu Ling [6] 15g, Dang Gui [7] 10g, Chuan Xiong [8] 6g, Chi Shao [9] 10g, Bai Shao [10] 10g, ji Xue Teng [11] 15g, San Qi [12] 5g, Gou Qi Zi [13] 10g, Huai Shan Yao [14] 15g. We can use Huang Qi or Hong Shen to reinforce Qi, so as to promote the absorbing of hematoma.
5. Liver-kidney Yin deficiency: the treatment methods consist of nourishing and reinforcing liver-kidney, nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation. The prescription is Yu Yin Huo Xue Tong Mai decoction: Gui Jia 20g, Bie Jia [15] 20g, Bai Shao 20g, Shu Di Huang [16] 10g, Wang Bu Liu Xing [17] 10g, Dan Shen [18] 10g, Shui Zhi [19] 10g, Tian Ma [20] 10g, Hu Ma Ren 15g, Huang Jing [21] 15g, Xi Yang Shen [22] 20g, Mai Dong 15g, Zhi Mu [23] 12g, Xuan Shen [24] 12g etc.
6. Qi deficiency and Yang deviating: the method of reinforcing Qi and warming Yang is employed. Prescription: Shen Fu parenteral solution (injection), Shen Mai parenteral solution (injection), Li Shen parenteral solution (injection) etc. The west medicine needs to be applied for this type until the condition becomes better, then, using Chinese medicine [25] according the syndrome differentiation.
7. Promoting Fu organs according to the syndrome differentiation: lucid Yang ascending to the upper orifices, turbid Yin being discharged from the lower orifices, thus, during the process of treatment of ischemic stroke, we should especially pay attention to promoting Fu organs and relieving heat.
Key words: Ischemic Stroke, new theory
Writer: Yanzhou Yao
Mao Ming City TCM Hospital, Guangdong province (525000)v