Observation on Curative Effect of 150 Cases of Acute Bronchitis Treated with Jing Fang Ke Shu San [1]

Posted by : admin on Jun 14, 2009 - 05:22 AM
Herbal Clinical Practice / Internal Medicine [2]

All the patients in this group are outpatients, and they are divided into observation and control groups by random. All the patients correspond with diagnostic standard of acute bronchitis. Treatments: self-made Fang Ke Shu San is applied in the observation group. Formula: Jing Jie [3] 30g, Fang Feng [4] 30g, Jie Geng [5] 30g, Qian Hu [6] 30g, Xing Ren [7] 30g, Chan Tui [8] 20g, Jiang Can [9] 30g, Bo He [10] 20g, Niu Bang Zi [11] 30g, Chuang Xiong 20g and raw Gan Cao [12] 20g. They are made into powders. For adults, 5g for once and three times a day. Jie Geng Dong Hua Pian is applied in the control group (it is produced by Sichuan herbal pharmaceutical factory). Formula: Jie Geng, Kuan Dong Hua [13], Yuan Zhi [14] and Gan Cao. 8 pills for once, and 3 times a day. Results: the total effect is 97% in the observation group and 72% in the control group.

Key words: Jing Fang Ke Shu San, herbal treatment, acute bronchitis

Zongjing Tong, Chongshi Tong
Guangling Traditional Chinese medicine [15] hospital, Shanxi province (037500)
Guangling people’s hospital, Shanxi province


  [1] http://www.opentcm.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2791
  [2] http://www.opentcm.com/index.php?name=News&catid=&topic=66
  [3] http://www.opentcm.com/Article620.html
  [4] http://www.opentcm.com/Article621.html
  [5] http://www.opentcm.com/Article820.html
  [6] http://www.opentcm.com/Article823.html
  [7] http://www.opentcm.com/Article833.html
  [8] http://www.opentcm.com/Article631.html
  [9] http://www.opentcm.com/Article938.html
  [10] http://www.opentcm.com/Article629.html
  [11] http://www.opentcm.com/Article630.html
  [12] http://www.opentcm.com/Article953.html
  [13] http://www.opentcm.com/Article836.html
  [14] http://www.opentcm.com/Article924.html
  [15] http://www.opentcm.com