Topic on water distention in the divine pivot (Fifty-seventh article part IV) [1]

Posted by : admin on Apr 15, 2009 - 01:17 AM
Chinese Medicine Classic / Nei Jin [2]

The Emperor asked: "What about intestinal conglomeration?”

Qi Bo answered: "Cold dwells outside the intestines, wrestling with the defensive qi. So, the normal qi fails to move normally and attaches to somewhere. The qi accumulates and settles inside, then noxious qi is produced, and intestinal conglomeration occurs. In the beginning, it is the size of an egg of chicken, and then it grows gradually. When formed, it looks like a pregnancy. More than one year later, it is solid when pressed, it is movable when pushed, and the menstruation is still regular. These are its symptoms."

Key Words: water distention, in the divine pivot

