Topic on discussion of enumeration of pain in the plain questions (Thirty-ninth article part II) [1]

Posted by : admin on Apr 10, 2009 - 01:28 AM
Chinese Medicine Classic / Nei Jin [2]

Once the cold attacks the outside of vessel, it can make the meridian catching the cold. Vessel cold can cause the movement of blood to be stagnated. The meridian can be contracted. Once the meridian and vessel have contraction, the spasm happens. As it connects to outside of collaterals, so suddenly the pain occurs. If there is a heat you can get at this time, cold evil can be dispelled and meridian can be easy, then the pain stops. But if the meridian or vessel catches a cold one more time, qi and blood are stagnated, the pain is not going to be healed in short time.

Key Words: discussion of enumeration of pain, in the plain questions

