Chinese Patent Herb: Tong Guan Granule [1]

Posted by : admin on Nov 19, 2008 - 02:04 AM
Chinese Patent Herb / Resuscitation [2]

Ingredients: Zhu Ya Zao, Xi Xin [3], E Bu Shi Cao

Indications: communicating meridians, inducing resuscitation, expelling phlegm. It can be used for stroke, wind-phlegm, trismus due to phlegm obstruction, upward disturbed of phlegm and saliva, unclear mind, fainting, etc which belong to qi function obstruction, clearing orifice blockage syndrome. We now often use it for treatment of psychopathy, hysteria, chronic rhinitis, nasal sinusitis etc which have symptoms mentioned above.

Method and dosage: Granule: 1.5g per bottle, using small amount and blowing into nose for sneeze.

Attention: patient with substantial brain lesions and pregnant woman cannot use.

