TCM Heart System [1]

Posted by : admin on Aug 02, 2008 - 02:27 AM
TCM Foundation / Zang Fu System [2]

The meridian of heart, located in the thorax, leads to the small intestine. Heart is thus externally and internally relates to small intestine. Heart also opens into the tongue. The main physiological functions of the heart are controlling blood, vessels and housing the mind.

Vessels are the site of blood containment and circulation. The heart impulse is incessantly sending blood to nourish the whole body. When blood supply is sufficient and blood circulation normal, the complexion will be rosy and lustrous, and the person will be energetic. The tissues and organs are well nourished and function properly.

Heart is the main organ controlling mental activities and generalizing the physiological function of the brain. Spirit, consciousness, memory, thinking and sleep are all dominated by heart.

Heart relates to the color, form, motility and sense of taste of the tongue.

Key words: heart system, TCM

