Sweet and neutral
Heart, lung spleen and stomach
1. To tonify the spleen and replenish qi. 2. To moisten the lungs and stop coughs; 3. To relax spasms and stop pain; 4. To moderate the action of herbs; 5. To reduce fire and release toxins.
1. Deficient qi of the spleen and stomach manifested as poor appetite, loose stool and lassitude. Licorice root (Gan Cao) is used with White atractylodes (Bai Zhu), Poria (Fu Ling) and Ginseng (Ren Shen) in the formula Sijunzi Tang.2. Cough and asthma. Licorice root (Gancao) is used with Apricot seed (Xing Ren) and Ephedra (Ma Huang) in the formula Sanniu Tang.3. Carbuncles, furuncles, sore throat and swelling due to toxic heat. Licorice root (Gancao) is used with Platycodon root (Jie Geng), Scrophularia (Xuan Shen) and Arctium fruit (Niu Bang Zi) for sore throat; Licorice root (Gancao) can also be used with Honeysuckle flower (Jin Yin Hua) and Forsythia fruit (Lian Qiao) for carbuncles, furuncles and swellings.4. Abdominal pain due to spasms of the stomach or intestines. Licorice root (Gancoa) is used with White peony root (Bai Shao).5. Moderating the action of other herbs. For example ,Licorice root (Gaocao) with Prepared aconite root (Fu Zi) and Dried ginger (Gan Jiang) can weaken the heating properties and lessen the side effects of some herbs. This combination is called Sini Tang.
2-10 g
This herb is contraindicated during cases of excess dampness causing distension and fullness in the chest and abdominal region, or vomiting. It counteracts Peking spurge root (Da Ji), Genkwa flower (Yuanghua), Kansui root (Gan Sui) and Seaweed (Hai Zao). Prolonged overdosing of the herb may cause edema.
