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Tao Ren

Posted by: admin on Feb 23, 2008 - 02:40 AM
Regulate Blood

Bitter and neutral

Heart, liver, lung and large intestine

1. To invigorate blood and remove stagnation; 2. To lubricate the intestines and move feces downward

1. Blood stagnation manifested as amenorrhea, dysmeonrrhea, postpartum abdominal pain and pain and swelling due to external injuries. Peach seed (Tao Ren) is used with Red peony (Chi Shao), Safflower (Hong Hua), Chinese angelica root (Dang Gui) and Chuan Xiong rhizome (Chuanxiong) in the formula Tao Hong Siwu Tang.2. Constipation due to dryness in the intestines. Peach seed (Taoren) is used with Chinese angelica root (Danggui), Arborvitae seed (Bai Zi Ren), Hemp seed (Huo Ma Ren) and Apricot seed (Xing Ren).

6-10 g

This herb is pounded into pieces before decoction. It is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Tao Ren

Image of herb: Tao Ren
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