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Gallbladder Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-between trapezius muscle and sternocleidomastoid muscle-splenius muscke of herd-semispinal muscle of head-between large posterior straight muscle of head and superior oblique muscle of head.
In the superficial layer, there are the lesser occipital nerve and the branches or tributaries of the occipital artery and vein. In the deep layer, there is the suboccipital nerve.

Sit upright or lie prostrate on one`s side; depressions on both side of the nape under occipital bone, between the upper end of m. sternoleidomastoid and the upper part of m. tropezius.
Refreshing oneself and improving eyesight, expelling wind and detoxifying, and removing obstruction of the orifices of the human body.

Headache, vertigo, insomnia, pain and stiffness of the neck, blurred vision, glaucoma, red and painful eyes, tinnitus, convulsion, epilepsy, infantile convulsion.

Combined use with DazhuBL11 (Dazhu (BL11) Influential point of bone), QuchiLI11 (Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point), TianjingTE10 (Tianjing (TE10)), WaiguanTE5 (Waiguan (TE5) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point), HeguLI4 (Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point), and YemenTE2 (Yemen (TE2) Ying-Spring Point) for treatment of mumps; with DazhuiGV14 (Dazhui (GV14)), DazhuBL11 (BL11), TiantuCV22 (Tiantu (CV22)), ShuituST10 ( Shuitu (ST10)), MingmenGV4 (Mingmen (GV4)), and ZhongzhuTE3 (Zhongzhu (TE3) Shu-Stream Point) for treatment of goiter; with YintangEXHN3 (EX-HN3) for treatment of concussion of brain; with JingmingBL1 (Jingming (BL1)) for treatment of nyctalopia; and with WaiguanTE5 (TE5) for treatment of stiff neck.

Transverse insertion 2-2.5 cun depth through FengchiGB20 (Fengchi (GB20)); needling response: local numbness and distention, radiating toward vertex; moxibustion: using 3-7 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 10-15 min.
Tack care to appropiate depth and direction. Generally, the point is inserted toward the inner canthus of opposide side at a depth of 0.8-1 cun. Don`t puncture deeply toward the paropia of opposide side, or else the needle would injure the vital center in the bulb and endanger the life.


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