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There are various factors causing aging, for instance, social factor, culture literacy, living environment, genetic factor, etc. Nevertheless, vigour energy weakness, phlegm damp stagnation, and blood stagnation are the direct factors resulting in aging. Senescence is human body loses the stress ability to the surrounding environment and cannot maintain the stability of the internal environment. Senescence is the phenomenon of metabolism of the various organs. We analyze the aging pathological changes and prematurely senile, the clinical symptoms include the phlegm and damp, blood stagnation and the weakness etc. For example, vertigo, dizziness, poor memory, slow movement, unresponsive, shortness of breath, tinnitus and deafness, poor appetite, aversion to cold, cold limbs, benumbed and unresponsive, sputum in throat, complexion darkness, loose weight, trance, tumor nodules, petechiae, red streak, corpulent tongue with indentation, wiry, thready, weak, slow, unsmooth pulse, all the symptoms represent weakness and deficiency of the five Zang. In modern medicine, the above symptoms reflect of the pathological changes of cardiovascular system, the brain and nervous system, digestion symptom, breathing system, the urinary system, the immunity system, the internal secretion system, locomotor system, in particular, the system of heart is more important. As five Zang are the center of human body, according to the process of aging, it accord with the theory of prolonged illness impacts on Zang, harms kidney, leads to stasis and weakness, prolonged weakness causes marasmus, phlegm may result in senescence, prolonged stasis could also lead to senescence.

Key words: Senescence, weakness, phlegm, stagnation

Writer: Mingxing Peng
College of Traditional Chinese medicine, Bao Shan City, Yun Nan Province (678000)


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