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Internal Medicine

Treating the ischemic stroke according to the syndrome differentiation:
1. Hyperactive liver-Yang causing syndrome of liver-wind: the treatment focuses on calming liver and suppressing liver Yang, activating blood circulation and promoting blood vessels. The prescription is Tian Ma Gou Teng decoction with modification:
Tian Ma 10g, Gou Teng 15g, Shi Jue Ming 20g, Chuan Niu Xi 10g, Du Zhong 10g, Zhi Zi 12g, raw Di Huang 20g, Sang Ji Sheng 15g, Xu Duan 15g, Da Huang 10g, Zhi Shi 10g, Shui Zhi 10g, Di Long 10g, Ling Yang Gu 15g, ji Xue Teng 15g, Dang Gui 12g, Shi Chang Pu 10g, Yu Jin 15g, Xia Ku Cao 10g etc. Da Huang can be applied later regarding to the disease condition. The intravenous drip may also be employed, the medicine includes Xing Nao Jing and Qing Kai Ling etc are used, An Gong Niu Huang Wan Pills or Xin Xue Dan need to be taken for severe cases.
2. Phlegm blocks the brain: for the mild cases, Hua Tan Tong Luo Xing Nao decoction is used, the ingredients include Zhi Ban Xia 12g, Dan Nan Xing 10g, Ze Xie 12g, Zhu Ru 6g, Ju Hong or Chen Pi 10g, Dang Gui 10g, Fu Ling 15g, Bai Zhu 10g, Dan Shen 15g, Quan Xie 10g, Huang Qi 30g, Di Long 10g, Zhi Zi 12g, Xu Duan 15g, Da Huang 10g, Shui Zhi 10g, Ling Yang Gu 15g, Ji Xue Teng 15g, Shi Chang Pu 10g, Yu Jin 15g etc. If there is severe stagnation, the herbs with function of activating blood circulation and promoting blood vessels are used, including Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Chuan Shan Jia, San Leng, E Zhu, Bai Hua She She Cao, Tu Bie Chong etc. The intravenous drip may also be employed, the medicine includes Xing Nao Jing and Qing Kai Ling etc are used, the An Gong Niu Huang Wan Pills and Su He Xiang Wan Pills can be combined.
3. Qi weakness and blood stagnation: the treatment measures are promoting Qi and activating blood circulation, resolving stagnation and promoting meridians. The prescription is Yi Qi Tong Mai Huo Xue Decoction with modification: Huang Qi 30-100g, Dang Shen 15g, Tian Ma 10g, Quan Xie 10g, Chuan Xiong 10g, Dan Shen 15g, Dang Gui 10g, Ji Xue Teng 15g, Di Long 10g, Shi Chang Pu 10g, Yu Jin 15g, Du Zhong 10g, Xu Duan 15g etc. If there is Qi stagnation, we need to remove Dang Shen and Huang Qi that have function of reinforcing Qi, and add Mu Xiang, Zhi Qiao, Lu Lu Tong, Chen Xiang which have function of regulating Qi. Regarding to the severe cases, the herbs with activating blood circulation and promoting meridians are employed, such as Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Chuan Shan Jia, San Leng, E Zhu, Bai Hua She She Cao, Tu Bie Chong etc.

Key words: Ischemic Stroke, new theory

Writer: Yanzhou Yao
Mao Ming City TCM Hospital, Guangdong province (525000)


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