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Nei Jing

When grains get into the stomach, the essential qi of them goes first to the upper jiao and middle jiao where the stomach stays to irrigate the five zang-organs. It diverges into two ways, the way of nutritive qi and the way of the defensive qi. A part of the essential qi converging in the chest makes the ancestral qi, which constitutes the sea of qi. The ancestral qi gets out of the lungs through the throat. It is inhaled and exhaled. In regard to the essential qi of the heaven and earth, we often see that three kinds (waste, zong qi, fluid) are expelled out, and only one kind (water and food) is take in. Therefore, if people do not eat for half a day, his qi will begin to weak; if he does not eat for a whole day, his qi will be poor.

Key Words:  Topic on the five flavors, the divine pivot


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