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Dispel Wind-Damp for Bi Syndrome

Ingredients: Du Hua, Sang Ji Sheng, Du Zhong, Niu Xi, Qin Jiu, Fu Ling, Rou Gui, Fang Feng, Dang Shen, Dang Gui, Chuan Wei, Gan Cao, Bai Shao Yao, Shu Di Huang, Xi Xin.

Indications: dispelling wind dampness, dispersing cold evil, nourishing liver-kidney, reinforcing Qi and blood, stopping blockage pain. It can be used for rheumatism and long-term blockage, cold pain on lumbar region and knees, dysfunction of joints etc due to liver-kidney deficiency, Qi and blood insufficiency. We now often use for rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, lumbar hyperplasia, lumbar muscle strain etc.

Dosage and method: honey pills: 9g per pill, 9g each time, 2 times every day, dissolving in warm water with a little yellow wine added, oral taking before meals.

Attention: pregnant woman should take it cautiously.


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