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About Us

OpenTCM is a network service platform of professional Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture. It devotes to provide the high value information service and specialized products for global Chinese medicine acupuncture professions and the demands of alternative medicine. We share the wisdom of TCM acupuncture and together promote the human health.

OpenTCM team is composed by senior TCM and IT professions. It bases on and depends on the Chinese top level of Chinese medicine clinical, scientific research, teaching and the media resources. It concentrates and unites TCM information, education training and herb products three huge modules, then provides omni-directional and multi-level services.

OpenTCM team will do the best promoting this TCM top field platform and will create our on-line community through our specialized and professional vitality.

Contact Us:
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Comments regarding this web site, etc.

At OpenTCM, we strive to provide accurate and helpful information to our viewers. If you have a question, comment or concern regarding OpenTCM and OpenTCM products, we'd like to hear from you. Please go to the Contact Us section.
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